Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Bush Had "Inkling" About Foley 5 Years Ago -- And So Did I!

It now appears that Republican congressman, Mark Foley, was known to have propositioned underage male pages not just ten months ago as originally reported, but sixty months ago.

Foley, who crusaded against child exploitation, resigned in disgrace on Friday after a slew of sexually explicit internet conversations with underage boys were made public.

It now occurs to me that George W. Bush had an inkling something wasn't "right" about Foley not just ten months ago as I previously reported, but in fact, had a previous inkling sixty months ago, too.

How do I know this? Because I have a life that is amazingly similar to the life of George Bush and I had an inkling 60 months ago, too. If I have an inkling, chances are better than 99 in 100 that George W. had an inkling, too.

I now recall that I sent George W. an email at the White House web site asking him if he had a similar inkling. I asked him if he had sent a note to Denny Hastert.

Although I didn't hear back from George W., I assumed it had been taken care of, and, based on my similarity to George W., I'll bet he assumed that it had been taken care of, too, when he sent the note to Denny Hastert. I mean it's just not the kind of thing you would forget.

So, there you have it. Me & George W., with our finely tuned gut feelings about people, had inklings and assumed it would be taken care of. We both feel for Denny Hastert, but frankly, he didn't take care of it, and now, well, that's his responsibility.

Me & George W. can't do everything!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Powerful inklings mean powerful leadership. You and George W are all about your gut feelings aren't you.