Friday, October 13, 2006

Bush Sees Rising Rates of the "Unacceptable" -- And So Do I!

According to an article in the Washington Post today, in the first nine months of this year, George W. Bush declared more than twice as many events or outcomes "unacceptable" or "not acceptable" as he did in all of 2005, and nearly four times as many as he did in 2004. Specifically, Bush's denunciation of events as unacceptable number 37 so far this year, as opposed to five in 2003, 18 in 2002 and 14 in 2001.

This kind of reporting is unacceptable if you ask me. As a man whose life is remarkably similar to that of George W. Bush's, it is simply not acceptable for a newspaper like the Washington Post to publish articles about how many times our president uses certain words. What are they? Word bookeepers? How is counting words news?

Not only that, but then the article then goes on to suggest that George W. isn't getting his way as much as he used to. That he's getting frustrated. Which is why he finds a lot more things to be "unacceptable." That's their "proof" that he's not getting his way.

The real truth is that things really are more unacceptable now than a few years ago. George W. is only telling the truth. He's a truth teller. Everyone knows that every year that passes things get more unacceptable. It's axiomatic, like 2 + 2 equaling 4. Like the sun coming up in the morning and going down at night. It's the way God designed things. As we get closer to the Apocalypse, things get more unacceptable. Especially to Liberals, of course who will be going to Hell, unlike Me & George W. and people who voted for him. And who will vote for me. If I run for president.

As anyone who has a head on their shoulders knows, liberals get more and more unacceptable every year. Liberals therefore account for a huge proportion of unacceptability.

That is why George Bush has been using the word more often. Because liberals, those dupes of the Islamofacists and North Koreans are getting more and more unacceptable. Every year these evil doers keep doing more evil. It therefore stands to reason that as evil increases so does the total amount of unacceptability.

When I pointed this out to my liberal sister-in-law, Ginger, she laughed and said, "Maybe the real reason Bush keeps finding more things to be 'unacceptable' is that the rest of the world is finding him more unacceptable. It's a vicious cycle: as Bush is more and more unacceptable to reasonable people, he finds that the world is more and more unacceptable to him."

"That's nonsense," I shot back. "That's just liberal sophistry. You liberals love the unacceptable. Endorse and promote it. Like the liberals who released the story about that disgusting perderast, Foley. The timing was completely unacceptable."

Ginger laughed again. "Really? Was it? I'm so sorry to hear that."

"You liberals and your liberal cynicism and joking," I shot back. "It's impossible to have a reasonsed discussion with you. You are fundamentally unserious people."

"I've got to go, Paul," Ginger said at that point. "You make me tired."

Well, of course, I knew that was just a way for her to end the conversation because I was winning the argument. She's always doing that. Not only are Liberals sophists, they can't engage in healthy debate because they know they'll lose every time. So they whine and slink off to take naps and dream ridiculous liberal dreams full of cotton candy and ponies for everybody.

I don't know about you, but I think that's totally unacceptable!

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