Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bush Sees "Third Awakening" of Religious Devotion in U.S.

According to the Washington Post, "President Bush said yesterday that he senses a ‘Third Awakening’ of religious devotion in the United States that has coincided with the nation’s struggle with international terrorists, a war that he depicted as ‘a confrontation between good and evil.’"

The Post went to report that "Bush told a group of conservative journalists that he notices more open expressions of faith among people he meets during his travels, and he suggested that might signal a broader revival similar to other religious movements in history."

I, Paul M. Sark, whose life is amazingly similar to George W. Bush's, have, perhaps not surprisingly noticed signs of a Third Great Awakening, too! Here's an excerpt from a speech I made to my friends and supporters at McCann's Lounge just the other day:

PAUL M. SARK: "I don't know about you fellows, but I sense in these great United States a new quickening of the spirit, a new willingness to believe that an ancient evil is abroad in the form of a new generation of mustached men in Araby."

"In my travels up and down the aisles of my church, in my listenings to Sunday morning radio and TV preachers, I have noticed more open expressions of faith than ever before. This gladdens my heart. It maketh me to like down in green pastures and see in the shapes of the clouds, puffy crosses, crowns of thorns, terrible swift swords, and other paraphernalia of God's mercy and goodness."

"Liberals think you can 'negotiate' with Satan. But the American people know there is no appeasing the Devil. To burst through the Gates of Hell and exterminate the 'Great Satan' we must be resolute, yea, even unto the Final Days, even until our president, George W. Bush and I, Paul M. Sark, at the side of Jesus Christ Himself at last harrow the hellish Middle East and bring forth upon this earth His heavenly realm of revelation and glory."

It's funny, but even now, after lo these many months where I have reported on the similarities between Me & George W., I am struck by how similar the similarities between us truly are!

So, may God Bless Me & George W.! And all Americans of faith who have awakened to the evil presence of Satan and the Liberals!

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Anonymous said...

he is GOD.

Moderator said...

God bless. Isn't Brooklyn filled with Godless souls?

Paul M. Sark said...

Indeed it is, Grant. Lost Godless Liberals who reject the notion of evil as well as Universal Freedom!

But Me & George W. and Jesus will prevail!