Monday, September 18, 2006

NYC Police Grant U.N. Protest Permit to Rabble

The New York City Police have given the green light to a radical left-wing fringe organization, United for Peace and Justice, to protest the War on Terror in front of the United Nations in New York tomorrow during George Bush's speech.

According to many well-informed colleagues of mine at McCann's Lounge, the radical protesters plan to burn flags, perform abortions, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance without mentioning God. They also plan to cricitize George W. Bush's policy in Iraq.

As a man whose life is strikingly similar to George W. Bush's, I am not surprised that the New York City Police Department knuckled under to the demands of the protest organizers.

Heavily unionized, the NYPD are closet socialists. In cahoots with other socialist organizations the world over, "New York's Finest" have an agenda that is very similar to the left-wing protestors.

That agenda includes universal health insurance and overtime pay, two socialistic practices embraced by Communists, Nazis, Islamofacists and most UN member nations.

Me & George W. have a lot of respect for the "thin blue line" that polices the boundaries between civilzation and Islamofacist anarchy. But we also know that soon a line must drawn against police unions, too.

Coercive and inefficient, unions exploit their members. Not only that, but union bosses are criminals and crooks. They do not have the best interests of their members at heart. Not like employers do. Employers care deeply about their employees. After all, they employ them!

Has a union ever created a business? No. Unions have only destroyed businesses. Unions are parasitic on the entreprenurial spirit of heroic entreprenuers.

If the NYPD can ever throw off its union shackles, New York will be a much safer city. Illegal protests will become a thing of the past.

And Me & George W. will be a lot happier!

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Moderator said...

My youngest daughter is 3-years-old and has recently determined she wants to be a firefighter or police officer. She said that way she can be a "hero" and "save people."

Should I discourage from those professions?

Paul M. Sark said...

Dear Grant,

Thanks for your question.

Don't discourage your daughter. But make sure that she doesn't join any union.

Union firefighters don't have the same entreprenuerial spirit as volunteer or non-union firefighters.

Hence they don't fight fires as effectively.

Thanks again for your question.
