Friday, September 01, 2006

Bush vs. Defeatocrats?

The Republican National Committee's website is finally saying what Me & George W. have been saying for a long time now: Democrats are defeatists. And because they are defeatists they are aiding and abetting the Islamo-Fascist Commie Totalitarian Terrorists and sowing moral confusion among the American people.

Though they are little bit late to this issue, the RNC have coined a bold new name for the Democrat defeatists. The RNC is calling them "Defeatocrats."

This is just the kind of hard-hitting, fact-based name-calling in which Republicans like Me & George W. excel. It's a perfect example of how Repbulicans can boil complex ideas down into simple ideas. Try and find a Democrat -- I mean Defeatocrat -- who can do that!

Read these two quotes from well-known Defeatocrats. Not only are they flat wrong about Iraq being worse now that it was, you'll see what I mean about Defeatocrats inability to come up with anything catchy. (You can see these quotes and others if you go to the RNC website.)
Defeatocrats Say Iraq Is Worse Because Of "Presence" Of American Troops:

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA): "[Iraq is] worse today than it was six months ago when I spoke out initially. ... It's getting worse." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 6/18/06)

Senate Minority Leader Reid (D-NV): "I truly believe that the problem in Iraq is our policies. It's our presence that's also a problem. We're an occupying force ..." (Mort Kondracke, Op-Ed, "Democrats Look Weak Calling For Iraq 'Exit,'" Roll Call, 2/3/05)

If they had any brains, Howard Dean and his gang at the DNC could come up with something catchy like "Defeatocrat" or "Cut and Run Liberal." But, being liberals they don't have any brains.

I've actually got a couple of names the Defeatocrats could use on Republicans. Not that I'm going to put those ideas on my blog, of course!

That would make me a terrorist because I would be aiding and abetting the Defeatocrats who are actually terrorists because they are aiding and abetting the terrorists.

And I am not a terrorist! Far from it -- I am a Repatriotpublican!

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