Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bush "Braggs" on World's Most Powerful Military: So Do I!

President Bush yesterday made an Independence Day speech at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in which he thanked the men and women of our military past and present for their service.

It was an inspiring speech as all of his speeches are and remarkably similar to a speech I made in the backyard at my sister-in-law's house.

Here's a selected paragraph George W.'s speech, followed by a selected paragraph from my speech. Read them both and see if you don't agree that they are amazingly similar!

PRESIDENT BUSH (Iron Mike Plaza, Fort Bragg, NC): We celebrate Independence Day each year because that ragtag group of citizen soldiers challenged the world's most powerful military, secured our liberty and planted a standard of freedom to which the entire world has aspired.

PAUL M. SARK (In-Law's Backyard, Brooklyn, NY): In celebrating Independence Day this year let's not forget that rag tag group of Iraqi insurgents who are challenging the world's most powerful military, who are trying to prevent us from planting our standard of freedom to which the entire world aspires.

So like Me & George W. like to say: Let freedom ring! HOOAHH!

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Moderator said...

Your speech coupled with the President's was really quite brilliant. I may need to link to this today.

lydia said...

that's what it's all about baby!

echo said...

Oh my god, I'm gonna cry. That was...just...fucking beautiful!!! Long live Freedonia - Land of the naive and the spree!!!