Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Gore's Inconvenient Truth -- Not True!

When asked if he would see Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," George W. Bush said: "Doubt it."

Because my life and the life of George W. Bush are amazingly similar, I doubted I would see it either. But last night, my liberal sister-in-law, Ginger, insisted I go, and so in the interest of family harmony, I did.

What a crock! Al Gore loses the election in 2000, and so instead of taking it like a man, he comes up with this holier-than-thou movie as a way to get back at George Bush. It's pitiful, really pitiful.

No wonder Rush Limbaugh talks about it so much. I mean it's so obviously fake -- all the statistics are clearly pulled out of thin air. All the "evidence" is absurd.

It's sad really. Particularly comical is when Gore shows that old hoax footage of the moon landing. Everyone with eyes to see and a brain to think knows it was put together in some Hollywood studio. And it was way before "blue screen" technology so you can tell they used wires to make the puppet astronauts look like they're "weightless."

Nice try, Mr. Gore. Climb back into your tree, hug your owls and leave the thinking and deciding to people like Me & George W.!

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Cup said...

Oh, good! And I was going to worry about the state of the earth. Now I can go back to shopping for big SUVs. Thanks, Paul M. Sark!

lydia said...

Someone was terrifying me with those "irrefutable statistics" from that movie, just last night. Thanks for revealing it for the retaliatory nonsense it is...