Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Bush on Line-Item Veto: "Set Politics Aside" -- Sark Says Same, But Simpler

George W. Bush made a speech yesterday asking for passage of an executive line-item veto as crucial to controlling out-of-control government spending on wasteful government programs, exclusive of defense spending, which as President Bush is right to point out is, of course, non-discretionary.

I, Paul M. Sark, whose life is remarkably similar to George W. Bush's made similar remarks yesterday, too. Read what Me & George W. said and see if you don't agree!

PRESIDENT BUSH (June 27, 2006, Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C.): "...I know this town is full of all kinds of politics, but we ought to set politics aside. We need to set politics aside when it comes to reforming Social Security and Medicare, and we need to set politics aside so that the President can work with the Congress to bring fiscal discipline to our budgets. That's what the taxpayers expect from those of us who are honored to serve.

PAUL M. SARK (June 27, 2006, McCann's Lounge, New York City): "...We all know D.C. is full of politics, especially bone-headed liberal politics. But we need to cut Social Security and Medicare to the bone, and then throw the bone away. That's what taxpayers want: for government to remove that bone of contention from the table. Social Security is a liberal boner that must never be swallowed again! It interferes with fiscal responsibility and personal freedom. If you know what I mean!

I think my remarks from yesterday really drive the point home compared to the remarks George W.'s new speech writers came up with. (Michael Gerson who's been writing his speeches for the last 7 years retired from his post a couple of weeks ago).

Plain, bone simple language, bleached in the transparent sun of free-market freedom: that's what the American people expect from their leaders!

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lydia said...

I just have to say that this is a stellar post! no more swallowing the liberal boner! Indeed!

Moderator said...

Those liberal policies need to be spit out and thrown in the trash.

Anonymous said...

And everyone knows, liberal boners blow!