Saturday, June 24, 2006

Bush 'Spontaneous', 'Free' And So Is Sark!

In A Charge to Keep, George W. Bush's 1999 autobiography written with Karen Hughes (134 used & new available from $0.50 at Amazon), George W. and Karen Hughes write things about faith and freedom that are remarkably similar to some of the things that I have written!

Read what George W. wrote, and then read what I wrote to see how uncannily similar Me & George W. really are!

Excerpt from A Charge to Keep (Morrow, 1999, pg. 6), by George W. Bush and Karen Hughes: My faith frees me. Frees me to put the problem of the moment in proper perspective. Frees me to make decisions that others might not like. Frees me to try to do the right thing, even though it may not poll well. Frees me to enjoy life and not worry about what comes next. I've never plotted the various steps of my life, certainly never campaigned for one office to try to position myself for the next. I am more spontaneous than that. I live in the moment, seize opportunities and try to make the most of them.

Excerpt from Paul M. Sark's Journal (Sark, 1999, pg. 7), by Paul M. Sark: My faith in freedom free me. Frees me to make decisions that others might not like, like crashing weddings and reading other people's emails. Not that I'm planning to do that, of course, but I will if freedom calls me to do so. I've never plotted the various steps of my life. I am more spontaneous than that. I live in the moment, seize opportunities and try to make the most of them. That's what frees me to do the right thing, though weak and effeminate liberals might not like it. Frees me to enjoy life and not worry about what comes next. Free. Free. Free. That's me, me, me!

Uncanny that Me & George W. were thinking the same even back in 1999, isn't it? I guess we've both always had a laser-like focus on faith and freedom. And I guess it pretty obvious that the freedom-loving, faith-based policies of Me and George W. have well served the interests of the American people and all the other free people in the world who have embraced the universal principles of faith and freedom.

Free, free, free -- That's me, me, Me & George W.!

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Cup said...

Twin sons of freedom-lovin' mothers!

lydia said...

So you get to do WHATEVER you want in the name of freedom and faith? Cool! I'll have some of that please!

Moderator said...

I've noticed you routinely refer to liberals as "effeminate." Certainly there are some conservatives who could be described similarly?