Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bush Resolute in Facing Criticism -- So's Sark!

Me & George W. typically don't answer our critics. We usually let others like Scooter Libby, Ann Coulter and my brother, Don, do the answering, while we continue pursuing our high-minded, freedom-building policies with laser-like focus.

But today I receieved another negative comment from "Bored with You and George W.". And in this special circumstance, I feel compelled to directly reply to this "person" (as I did yesterday), because there are important principles at stake for the American people. George W. Bush did the same to some liberal reporter in Austria yesterday, too.

To shirk my duty to the American people would dishonor Me & George W., the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and of course, the flag and God Himself!

First, read "Bored with You and George W."'s comment from today, followed by my principled reply:

"Bored with You and George W." said:
You calling me a liberal in response to my comment is exactly what I expected you would do -- and therefore BORING!

Why don't you and George W. attack some other country? That at least was exciting for a while.

And with mid-term elections coming up you and George W. are going to need a boost in the polls.

But then again, another invasion will probably turn out to be boring in the end, too.

Pardon me while I yawn...

Here's my reply:

Dear "Bored with You & George W.":

You are not only a liberal, you are probably one of those human rights advocates who always single out the United States for criticism on its few minor "human rights infractions" while you give all the evil dictators a free pass for all the torturing and killing they do and no one ever hears about.

When we torture and kill people, We The People, as citizens in a transparent democracy, always punish the torturers and killers. That's what makes us special. First, we call the evil-doers un-American. Then, we give them fair trials because, after all, we believe in justice in America. Then, we usually court-martial the evil-doers to show our displeasure. By the way, in my opinion, being called un-American is probably the most severe punishment of all of these.

Where were you human rights advocates when Saddam Hussein was torturing and killing people? You were kissing up to Bill Clinton, trying to make it okay for gays in the military. That was clearly a form of torture for our brave straight men and straight women in the military. Not to know if your bunkmate or shipmate wants to mate with you? That's the kind of sick behavior you liberals advocate! Where in the Constitution does it say that's okay? Where in the Bible for that matter?

Without principles, we might as well close up shop and call ourselves a dictatorship!

God bless American Transparency! And May God Smite Unprincipled Human Rights Advocates! Hard! Really Hard!

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Moderator said...

Damn. I never knew you could be so bad ass. Bravo.

Anonymous said...

It's clear that it infuriates you that you don't know who I am -- that's why you reach to call me, on no basis whatsoever, a "liberal" and "human rights advocate."

You're pissed off that you can't use an ad hominen attack on me -- the usual strategy of Ann Coulter, for instance, and presumably your brother, Don.

I may or may not be a liberal or a human rights advociate. But you're definitely not George W. Bush.

You don't live in the White House. You don't talk with world leaders. You're a George W. wannabe.

And that's why you're boring. Because he's boring. Really boring! I'll say it again: boring!

Paul M. Sark said...

Dear "Bored by you and George W."

Liberals hate boredom. That's why they take drugs and are always protesting everything. That's how I know you're a liberal.

Liberals believe in "human rights." That's how I know you're a human rights advocate.

And if you were a real man, or woman, or whatever you are, transvestite and/or cross dresser, you'd admit to who you are so me and my brother, Don, could attack you on a personal level.

Answer me this: When did you stop beating your wife, or should I say, your partner?

lydia said...

I don't think George W or Paul M are infuriated at all. I think they have much greater things on their mind - like the march to Freedom, and how on the march to Freedom we need to pause so we can aim all those nukes at N. Korea like we're doing. Do you know where our nukular submarines are right now????? George/Paul does...