Wednesday, June 21, 2006

George W. Bush and the Grand March to Freedom

Yesterday, I received a negative comment from a certain "Bored with You and George W.":

I've got to say I'm bored with the whole Me & George W. thing.

All you ever do is do what George W. does, and he does the same thing over and over and over. And so do you because you're so similar to him.

It's all getting a little thin, if you ask me.

Obviously, "Bored with You and George W." doesn't understand is that when Me & and George W. do something over and over and over again, that we're doing it because highly focused on our objectives. To some that may be boring. To some it may be dull.

To some it may even be a reason to "tune out" Me & George W. completely. Turn to other activities or pursuits. Wash the car, brush the dog, wash and brush the dog and wax the car.

Well, what people got to understand is that boredom is not an excuse. Real Americans should be 100% focused on what Me & George W. are focused on. We're fighting a War on Terror, for God's sake! We're making Progress in Iraq! And every single day we are a day closer to the glorious end of the Grand March to Freedom, the day when we will all link arms and march into the Realm of Absolute Freedom together!

Those who are "bored," who don't have the stamina for the Grand March to Freedom, who are out of step with their fellow Americans and the rest of the free world are either going have to keep up or become yet another weak-ass, whining liberal, left behind, choking in our dust on the road to revelation. The choice is yours, America!

May God Bless Freedom.

And May God, in his Infinite Wisdom, Smite the Bored! Hard!

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Queen, III said...

Amen! let the smiting begin!

Cup said...

I stood at attention with my hand over my heart for those last couple of sentences, Mr. Sark. God bless America!

Anonymous said...

You calling me a liberal in response to my comment is exactly what I expected you would do -- and therefore BORING!

Why don't you and George W. attack some other country? That at least was exciting for a while.

And with mid-term elections coming up you and George W. are going to need a boost in the polls.

But then again, another invasion will probably turn out to be boring in the end, too.

Pardon me while I yawn...

Moderator said...

George Bush said the War on Terror would require great stamina. I think Bored's comments reflect that not everyone has the President's stamina - or yours! Thank you for fighting the good fight!