Sunday, June 04, 2006

George W. Bush Endorses Non-Gay Marriage -- And So Do I!

In his radio address on Saturday, George W. Bush said that there must be an amendment to the Constitution to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. In my address at McCann's on Friday night I said almost exactly the same thing!

Read what George W. Bush said, then read what I said and see if you don't agree Me & George W. have uncannily similar lives!

THE PRESIDENT:Next week, the United States Senate will begin debate on a constitutional amendment that defines marriage in the United States as the union of a man and woman.

...An amendment to the Constitution is necessary because activist courts have left our Nation with no other choice.

...As this debate goes forward, we must remember that every American deserves to be treated with tolerance, respect, and dignity.

And here's what I said at McCann's:

PAUL M. SARK: Next week, the United States Senate will begin debate on a constitutional amendment that will prevent forever homosexuals getting the marriage tax deduction as a reward for their perversion.

...An amendment to the Constitution is necessary because liberal judges, many of them gay predators, encourage this abomination so they can have all the sex they want with altar boys like the Catholic priests do. What is it about guys in robes anyway?

...As this debate goes forward, we must remember that there can be no debate when it comes to evil men in robes who want to legalize the perversion of the next generation of American boys and then claim a tax deduction to boot!

I think it's pretty clear that Me & George W. share similar ideas about the rightness of non-gay marriage. And so, as we so much like to say, God bless America, and God bless American freedom!

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zhila said...

Hope you don't mind, but I posted a blog on myspace about how awesome your blog is and that all my friends should read it.

And if you do mind, sorry, too late. I can remove it, though, if you want.

Paul M. Sark said...

Thanks, Zhiluv. I appreciate your interest and your enthusiasm! Would it be okay if I linked to your blog -- and if so, which one?

zhila said...

No prob!! My blog here is .

And the blog on myspace that I wrote about your fabulousness is

Moderator said...

Where do you stand on the issue of gay marriage between attractive, Asian women immigrants - like the ones that work in your office?

Paul M. Sark said...


This is an excellent question, as usual.

I think when it comes to marriage, Me & George W. would have to come down on the side of a spiritual and legal unity between a man and a woman.

But outside of marriage, threesomes with two attractive Asian immigrant women and one white male is perfectly acceptable, and, even desireable.

Cup said...

It's good to see you and George W sticking to your beliefs ... in the sanctity of marriage and the sanctity of hot threesomes. Makes me proud to be an American.