Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bush Pro-Freedom, Anti-Poverty -- Sark Says Same!

President George Bush today made a speech at Global Development's 2006 National Summit in Washington, D.C. where he talked about the correlation between freedom and prosperity.

A few days ago I made a similar speech to a beggar in Brooklyn. Given the remarkable similarity between Me & George W.'s lives, it's perhaps not surprising that certain sections of our speeches were very similar.

Read what George Bush said, followed by what I said, and see for yourself:

PRESIDENT BUSH (to Global Development's 2006 Summit attendees): I believe there's a correlation between prosperity and freedom. And this country of ours will continue to pursue an agenda that understands that human liberty is universal. It's just not a U.S. thing, it's its own -- liberty is something that everybody yearns for. And the freer the world becomes, the more prosperous the world becomes and the more likely people will not be mired in poverty.

PAUL M. SARK (to Beggar on 7th Avenue, Brooklyn): I believe there's an inverse correlation between freedom and taxes. This country of ours will continue to pursue an agenda that understands that human liberty and the desire for lower taxes is universal. Liberty and lower taxes is something that everybody yearns for. And the freer the world becomes of taxes, the more prosperous the world becomes and the more likely people will not be mired in poverty.

I assume George W. Bush got a rousing round of applause for his speech. In my case, the beggar, overwhelmed with emotion, turned away and shambled off down the street, no doubt nourished by my message of freedom as he retired to his piss-stained perch on the steps of the Szechaun place down the block.

God bless freedom and lower taxes!

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Moderator said...

President Bush was just in Iraq on Tuesday, I believe, but back in Washington today.

Does he ever suffer from jetlag in such situations? Do you?

Paul M. Sark said...

Yes, George W. does suffer from jet lag. Read the following exchange from the press conference he held after he came back from Baghdad:

Q How are you doing, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: I'm doing all right. A little jet-lagged, as I'm sure you can imagine -- nearly 60.

Q I can, sir. Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: I'm not sure you possibly can empathize, but nevertheless --

Q Jet lag, I understand jet lag.

I understand jet lag, too, and although I'm not nearly 60, I'm sure I'll feel exactly the same as George W. does about jet lag when I'm nearly 60.

lydia said...

I wonder if there are any attractive asian women who are illegal aliens working at that Szechaun place