Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush Philosophy On War: Not Time of Joy

"War is not a time of joy," President Bush said in his press conference yesterday, showing that our war president possesses a sensitive philosophical side, too.

I, Paul M. Sark, who leads an amazingly similiar life to that of George W. Bush, recently showed my sensitive philosophical side, too, to my liberal sister-in-law, Ginger. Here's what I said:

"Me & George W. aren't getting a lot of joy out of this war," I told Ginger over the weekend at her house. "And I don't always like to get up and go to work either, but I'm doing my job, and so is George Bush."

"These are challenging times, and they're difficult times, and they're straining the psyche of our country," President Bush went on in his press conference yesterday. Then, showing his sympathetic side, he said: "You know, nobody likes to see innocent people die."

Uncannily, this is almost exactly what I told Ginger! "You know, Ginger," I said, "Nobody likes to see innocent people die, but if they're dying in the cause of freedom, then, well, they're dying for a damn good cause!"

Later in his press conference, Bush said he agreed with Gen. John Abizaid, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, that "if we leave before the mission is done, the terrorists will follow us here."

To Ginger, I said nearly the same thing: "Go ahead and order me to leave, and when the terrorists break into your house and kill you, don't bother to call me because I'll be washing the dog!"

Then I stalked out of Ginger's living room with my head held high and proud, just like George W. did at the end of his press conference!

Me & George W. really drive those cut-and run-liberal journalists and sisters-in-laws crazy with our sensitive philosopher sides!

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Moderator said...

I hope your dog is clean now.

Cup said...

You are a sensitive soul, Mr. Sark. Almost as sensitive as Dubya and his declaration that "nobody likes to see innocent people die" (I've been wondering where he stood on that issue).

lydia said...

I hope you feel little more joy after proving conclusively your and the President's firm yet sensitive stance on killing. Bravo!