Sunday, August 20, 2006

Is Bush Idiot, Asks Scarborough. Is Scarborough Nuts, Asks Sark

Last week conservative talk-show host Joe Scarborough grilled his guests about whether "George Bush's mental weakness is damaging America's credibility at home and abroad." And for 10 minutes, the caption across the bottom of the television screen read, "IS BUSH AN 'IDIOT'?"

Scarborough concluded that compared to other presidents who have been called stupid, that "George Bush is in a league by himself."

As a man whose life is remarkably similar to that of George W. Bush's, I can say with absolute certainty that George W. Bush is not stupid.

How can I say that?

Simple. The "identity property," the most basic proof in mathematics. In this case the proof can be stated like this: If A = B and B is not stupid, then A is not stupid either.

Of course even simple logic is too hard to follow for liberals, terrorists, Ned Lamont and defeatists like Scarborough!

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Cup said...

You might need to review some algebra, my friend, to see if you can get yourself out of that A and B equation.

Moderator said...

Isn't Joe Scarborough a former Republican congressman?

As for beth's question about getting yourself out of the A and B equation - stay the course.

Quite frankly, I'm against same- letter equations.