Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Proud Bush Is President?

Did you know that you can buy a mousepad to show that you're on the side of George W. Bush and universal freedom?

In the next couple of days I would expect that we will soon be able to buy mousepads that say: PROUD I'M NOT AN APPEASER or maybe I'M NOT AN ISLAMO-FACIST.

As a man whose life is remarkably similar to George Bush's, I have a feeling, not as yet confirmed by the White House, that there will be Anti-Appeaser Squads forming in your neighborhood soon. Now that we know appeasers are as bad as fascists it only makes sense.

In a related story, yesterday at dinner at The Tacqueria, my liberal sister-in-law Ginger asked me: "How come the Republicans say it's a whole new world after 9/11 and then talk about Hitler in the next breath? If it's a whole new world then what does Hitler have to do with it?

I have to admit she almost had me there for a second, but then I remembered that there is no way that a liberal can be right about anything. I relaxed. Once relaxed, I was able to formulate a response.

"You liberals just don't get it," I said. "Think of it this way: There's Good. There's Evil. There's facists and appeasers. End of story."

"You're answering a question I didn't ask, as usual," Ginger said.

"And you're a liberal," I pointed out. "And probably an appeaser, too."

Which pretty much explains everything if you ask me.


Cup said...

If your life is similar to that of George W. Bush, when we can expect the Sark mousepad?

Paul M. Sark said...

Soon. Very soon.