Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Waitress Attempts Bush Seduction in New Orleans

When President George W. Bush walked in to the packed Betsy's Pancake House in New Orleans this morning, waitress Joyce Labruzzo asked jokingly: "Mr. President, are you going to turn your back on me?"

"No ma'am, not again," President Bush jauntily replied, triggering gales of laughter from the New Orleans natives.

A harmless, flirtatious exchange that the liberal media is trying to turn into something negative -- just like they always do!

Here's what I mean. According to the Detroit Free Press it was "a lighthearted moment," but it "could have been a metaphor for the Bush administration's poor response to the storm and the president's work since to make amends."

As a man whose life is amazingly similar to that of George W. Bush, I have to disagree and disagree strongly with the liberal spin this liberal paper has put on this simple exchange. A simple exhange between a woman who is obviously in love with our president, and our president who is a man who is in love with American people like waitress Joyce Labruzzo.

It's clear that what really happened at Betty's Pancake House was not a "metaphor for the Bush administration's poor response." No. What really happened was that the president walked by Joyce Abruzzo twice, that his back was turned to her two times, and that she, thuderstruck by his awesome presidential presence, finally couldn't stand it, jumped in front him and began flirting.

I know about things like this. In fact, when I enter a room I'm always very careful to let everyone see all sides of me so that no one feels left out. The only reason Bush couldn't do so at Betty's Pancake house was because Mayor Nagin, a Democrat, had him boxed-in as they walked in -- boxed-in just like during Katrina. (See photo above.) In fact, it's a kind of metphor for what happened during Katrina.

I mean everybody knows that Nagin, a Democrat, was the one responsible for screwing up everything in New Orleans. A Democrat, he is incapable of defending Americans from vicious attacks like Katrina. But George W., being the leader that he is, accepted some of the blame last year so that Nagin could live with himself after his massive managerial errors and gross imcompetence.

It's just disgusting that the liberal media, even during this joyous time when there's so much good news coming out of New Orleans, continues to try to make George W. look bad.

Me & George W. and Tony Snow know when the liberal media smears you, the best thing to do is go on Fox News and get the real story out. I don't know about you, but I'll be glued to my set tonight to see if Tony Snow has arranged to give FoxNews an exclusive interview with our president so he can talk directly to the American people without going through evil liberal filters like the Detroit Free Press!

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