Monday, August 07, 2006

Condi, Echoing Bush, Says War on Indian Terrorists Inevitable

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice today echoed George W. Bush's announcement from yesterday that the United States will be expanding the Global War on Terror to include India starting sometime tonight, probably during primetime.

"The American people look to its leaders to make the tough calls," Secretary Rice said today from the exercise room at Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch. "Our president makes those tough calls, and we who are so honored to work with him have the pleasure of carrying out his tough calls."

"We gave India's highest court one day to back off on their demand that Coca-Cola reveal its secret formula for the first time in 120 years," Secretary Rice explained, jogging on a treadmill and swilling a Coke. "But the Indians did not even respond. That tells me two things: not only are they intrasigent and unworthy of mercy, they are probably sleeping."

President George W. Bush announced the invasion from the Oval Office yesterday, saying that that the demand of the Supreme Court judges "will not stand," and that "these evil dictator judges in India seek to devalue the most basic universal right of the free market -- to market products freely without interference from terrorist judges."

Secretary of State Rice repeated and elaborated on her remarks from yesterday, saying that she "saw no role whatsoever for the United Nations in this latest emergency." "Call it pre-emption if you want," she said. "We call it Transformational Diplomacy. It's what we're doing in Lebanon and Iraq. And we're staying the course. And Coke is it!"

In Brooklyn, Paul M. Sark, whose blog this is and who is writing up this latest update, spent the entire day drinking Coke and feels Coke is it, too.

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1 comment:

Moderator said...

I'd like to buy the coalition of the willing a Coke!