Sunday, March 26, 2006

George W. Bush Celebrates Greek Liberty -- And I Do, Too!

The other day George W. Bush, made a speech in honor of Greek Independence Day.

Parts of it are amazingly similar to a speech I made at a Sigma Delt Toga Party back in 1982 during Greek Week. Here's what I mean...

George W. Bush: "America is a better country because of Greek Americans. It's something about the passion, the verve for life, the willingness to serve. I am blessed by having Greek Americans in my administration, two of the most important of whom have joined us... John Negroponte, the Director of the National Intelligence -- (applause) -- and the Homeland Security Advisor, Frances Fragos Townsend." (Applause.)

Paul M. Sark:America is a better country because of us Greeks! It's something about the passion, the verve for life, the total willingness to par-tay free-lay! Our frat is blessed by having two actual Greek Americans in it: John "Mad Dog" Agnosturas -- KegMeister Extraordinaire -- (applause) -- and in this corner, Bouncer and Doorman Supreme, Frankie "F 'Em Up" Euphyro. Just kidding, Frankie. Don't hurt me. (Applause, laughter)

Amazing similarities, right? But keep reading -- there's more!

George W. Bush: " we watch the world today, we must understand that democracy is difficult at times. It's not easy to take hold. It requires work and diligence and optimism and strength and will. But the Greek lesson not only in Greece, but also here in America, is one that with time and persistence, liberty does take hold because of its universality. It's a lesson we honor on Greek Independence Day."

Paul M. Sark: As we watch the world today, we must understand its not so easy to promote freedom, not as easy as it was for our brothers in the Swingin' Seventies. Now it requires work and diligence and strength and will. But hey, brothers, here in America with time and persistence and a little spanish fly, liberty will take hold because we all know those Alpha Chi chicks want it, and want it bad! It's a lesson we must never forget during Greek Week.

I don't know about you, but the Greek-American freedom thing gets me so pumped up on liberty I can hardly stand it.

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