Monday, March 20, 2006


Here's a new comment that "Desperate in Dubuque" posted on my blog. She asks me -- in my capacity as someone whose life is amazingly similar to George W. Bush's -- for further advice in helping her get her husband "up to snuff."

Hi Paul,

It's me -- Desperate in Dubuque -- and I just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about what you said about freedom and my husband and getting him up to snuff.

There's something bothering me though. Should I invade my husband's room and give him my offer of freedom right then and there? -- (we sleep in separate rooms).

Or should I negotiate with him first before the freedom invasion?

I continue to sign, at least for the time being as...

Desperate in Dubuque
Here, Desperate in Dubuque, is the advice I think our President George W. Bush would offer you.

Dear Desperate,

As Americans, we believe that freedom is not America's gift to the world, freedom is the Almighty God's gift to every person who lives in the world.

You must live by a code of honor, in service to your nation, for the safety and security of your fellow citizens. I'm proud to be the Commander-in-Chief of the greatest military, full of the finest people on the face of this earth.

God bless you all. God bless America.

Paul M. Sark


lydia said...

I think what Paul is saying here, Desperate, is that you should indeed invade your husbands room. Screw negotiations. He must simply accept Freedom. I think that he may just greet you with jubilation and flowers. Lots of flowers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Paul & Lydia,

It's me again -- Desperate in Dubuque. I have made up my mind to invade my husband's room, like you say, and give him God's gift of freedom.

But first I'm going get properly outfitted and really build up my forces so I can give him some real "shock and awe" along with with an extra big helping of freedom!

I'll be driving hard all the way to "Bag-Dad," if you know what I mean!

Yours truly,

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sark: Good job on the presidential advice; I feel this much closer to the West Wing. But when will we see more uncanny similarities?

lydia said...


I am so proud of you. You are doing the right thing. I was thinking about your outfit...perhaps a black plastic trashbag and a blindfold for that Abu Graib flair? Just musing out loud.