Saturday, March 25, 2006

George W. Bush's Approval Ratings At All Time Low -- And So Are Mine!

Another amazing -- no, stunning -- coincidence between my life and the life of George W. Bush -- my approval ratings are exactly as low as President Bush's!

An informal poll that my wife and her sisters took among themselves shows that my approval rating is at 33% -- exactly the same as George Bush's in the latest Pew Poll.

According to the Sark Wife and Sister-In-Law Survey, my low ratings are due to my persistent spitting in public, my accidental reading of my sister-in-law's email, my crashing my sister-in-law's best friend's wedding, and my spraying the kitchen sink with Raid and not cleaning it up.

When asked for a one word description of me, my wife and her sisters said, "incompetent, idiot, liar," which are exactly the same words the American public now mostly use to describe George W. Bush.

So there you have it -- scientific proof that George W. Bush and I lead amazingly similar lives!


lydia said...

Oh - My - God!!!!! Jaw-dropping insight. You ARE an incompetent idiot liar Paul!! You are EXACTLY like George W. That is just uncanny!!!! I think if maybe you buy us each a nice present or spring for a fancy meal, you could raise your approval rating by a couple of percentage points. As long as you don't spit...

Cup said...

I continue to be amazed!

Lori Witzel said...

Ah, but can he clear brush?

The similarities are strong, but...
does Paul know his way around a chainsaw and brush?

Inquiring minds want to know...