Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bush For And Against Immigrants -- And So Am I!

In yet another parallel between my life and the life of George W. Bush, the president is both for and against immigrants! Here's a passage from his radio address yesterday, followed by a portion of a speech I made to a co-worker on Friday.

FROM SATURDAY ADDRESS ON THE RADIO -- PRESIDENT BUSH: To keep the promise of America, we must remain a welcoming society and also enforce the laws that make our freedom possible. As we do, our Nation will draw strength from the diversity of its citizens and unity from their desire to assimilate and become one people. By working together, we can fix our immigration system in a way that protects our country, upholds our laws, and makes our Nation proud.

FROM FRIDAY BARROOM ADDRESS AT McCANN'S -- PAUL M. SARK: To keep the promise of America, we must remain a welcoming society for attractive Asian women like the ones who work in the office with us, and also enforce the laws that make our freedom possible, like the laws against unattractive people who come from God knows where, although I think that some Hispanic chicks are pretty hot, too, like the one who dumps my wastebasket at night. Our Nation will draw strength from our desire to assimilate with really attractive Asian and Hispanic women and become one people. By working together, we can fix it so we can make our Nation proud. If you know what I mean.

Now that's a policy that I think people like me and George W. can be proud of!

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Moderator said...

That is amazing. President Bush would completely think the same way.

lydia said...

Another stunning coincidence!

Moderator said...

We definitely need to encourage the immigration of attractive Asian women.

lydia said...

and strapping laddies from Scotland!