Monday, April 03, 2006

Liberal, Rothman, Blames IRS for Wasting Taxpayer Money

Me and George W. know that private sector always does a better job than the public sector. Look at Katrina, if you need proof of that! No person in goverment is able to handle those kinds of things -- Halliburton would have done a much better job than Brownie!

But Tax and Spend Liberals, of course, always insist that government workers can do just as good a job as non-government workers. That's because they want to expand the government so they can stay in power and run the government through the liberal media!

Here's an example from today's news of a typical liberal scheme to expand government:

Rothman Blasts IRS for Wasting Millions of Taxpayer Dollars

Opposes IRS Actions Giving Private Firms the Job of Collecting Taxes

(Washington, DC)— Yesterday, Congressman Steve Rothman (D-NJ) blasted Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Mark Everson on his agency's decision to task private firms with collecting taxes instead of using federal employees to do the job. Taxpayers will lose as much as $35 million dollars a year paying expensive commissions charged by the private tax collection agencies and lose additional money spent on preventing fraud at the firms.
What liberals don't understand is privatization is always better for America. We all know that as soon as people join the government they become sluggish, fat toads who don't care about the American people. Look at Brownie and Katrina again if you need another example.

We all know that without the discipline the market provides, which is what happens with government workers, customer service goes by the boards. That's why even though it sounds like we'll be spending more money by hiring private tax collectors, we'll actually be saving money because the discipline of the market will mean that private tax collecters will be much more efficient than government tax collectors.

We all know that goverment can't run things worth a damn. Just look at the war in Iraq if you want another example! If they'd only hired Halliburton run it from top to bottom from the start we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now! But instead,we now have this bunch of liberal generals from the Clinton era with their typical liberal short-sightedness, typical liberal feather-bedding and union-coddling.

Me and George W. know that government workers just aren't motivated enough to do their jobs the way non-government workers are - except for George W. and his staff and the people they appoint, except maybe for that Brownie guy in New Orleans and maybe a few others.

I say Privatize Private Ryan and then see what happens to Osama!


Anonymous said...

Dear Paul,

You are such an idiot!


Moderator said...

This is one of the funniest blogs I've seen on blogger. I'm adding you to my links. You and 43 are strikingly similar.