Monday, April 03, 2006

George W. Bush Still Believes in Tax Cuts -- And So Do I!

George W. Bush and I hold the same belief that my money is my money. But, because of the liberal media, I don't think his message is really getting through to the American people.

So in my opinion I really think he needs to personalize his message for maximum impact in order to catapult the liberal propaganda.

Read what he said in his radio address on Saturday, then read my rewrite and see if you don't agree.

In his Saturday radio address, he said: "The debate in Congress over taxes ultimately comes down to this: Who knows best how to use your money -- the politicians in Washington or you? I believe the money we spend in Washington is your money, not the government's money. I trust you to make the best decisions about what to do with your hard-earned dollars, because when you do, your family is better off, our economy grows, and prosperity and opportunity spread throughout our great land."

Here's my rewrite on how he should have said it: The debate in Congress over taxes ultimately comes down to this: Who knows best how to use my money -- the politicians in Washington or me? I believe the money spent in Washington is my money, not the government's money. I trust me to make the best decisions about what to do with my hard-earned dollars, because when I do, my family is better off, my economy grows, and my prosperity and opportunity spread throughout our great land.

See? Not to belabor the point, but in my rewrite, George W. Bush, like me, wants to spend his own money the way he wants to, not the way the goverment wants to on wasteful government spending.

I don't say this to criticize George W. Bush. That would be like criticizing myself, because, after all, we do lead extraordinarily similar lives!

1 comment:

muse said...

As I read George Bush's remarks, all I could think of was "deficit", so I'm sorry, did you say something? What he says and what I know to be true are so different, that I often can't through his little speeches! I bet the same is true of your remarks because you two are so freakishly similar.