Sunday, April 02, 2006

George W. Bush Replies to Me, Paul M. Sark

Well, kind of.

I have to say that with my life being so similar George W. Bush's I was a little surprised that I got back an autoreply after I took the all trouble to write him a note and send him a copy of my post from April 1st. Now I know how Desperate in Dubuque feels. But only kind of though (mostly because I'm not a woman).

But anyway, here's what the computer who works for George W. Bush said in the autoreply:

"On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence. We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions. Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response is an autoreply.

Thank you again for taking the time to write."

So maybe my life isn't so similar to George W. Bush's after all.

But, I mean, I really don't get it. Here, like him, I believe in Jesus, in tax cuts, in persistence, and freedom. And I make the occasional joking remark like he does, and girls think I'm a hottie like they do Mr. "Mission Accomplished" Bush. But, unlike Mr. Bush, I answer my email personally!

But now come to think of it, in his defense, he probably put on the autoreply before he went away on his vacation trip down to Cancun on behalf of the immigrants. That's probably it. I mean I turn on my autoreply when I go on vacation, too! I bet he's just really busy catching up on his emails after his vacation and just hasn't gotten to mine yet.

I'll probably get a note from him in a couple of days when things settle down a little.

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