Wednesday, April 26, 2006

In Reversal, Tony Snow Gets The Job -- And I Don't!

The Bush administration in a weird reversal has settled on Tony Snow as the new White House Press Secretary, selecting Tony Snow over me, Paul M. Sark, a man whose life is strikingly similar to that of George W. Bush's.

Asked for a comment, I, Paul M. Sark, said: "Tony Snow is a good choice, and maybe even the better choice, but I can't help thinking that the White House has made a serioius error here."

Asked to elaborate, I, Paul M. Sark, said: "While it's true that Tony Snow has national prominence, it is that national prominence that could work against him in the long run."

Asked to elaborate further, Mr. Sark said: "Tony Snow has made a number of comments about Mr. Bush that the liberal media is going to throw in his face."

Elaborating further, Mr. Sark said: "Those comments include: 'moron,' 'boy emperor,' 'Cheney's tool,' 'big oil's bee-atch.'"

"On the other hand, I represent a semi-fresh start for the Bush admininstration," says Mr. Sark. "As someone whose life is amazingly similar to George W. Bush's, I know what our preseident's policies are insofar as war and taxes, including the death tax which we have nearly eradicated even in the face of vicious liberal opposition."

"At the same time, the media doesn't know much about me. Which, compared to Snow is a big plus. Snow has baggage. I don't. Unless, as some liberal comementators are bound to do, my blog entries are distorted for partisan political purposes."

"I'm working now to eliminate certain blog entries that refer to a certain indiscretion that never happened as in my opinion the administration will soon see the error in selecting Snow and give me the job."

"By the way, if there's anyone out there who can tell me how to get rid of a post, I would be much obliged to you for your help."

"Thanks in advance." said Mr. Sark.

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Moderator said...

I'm sorry you were passed over. It doesn't make much sense. But neither does life sometimes. Clearly, the President has made a serious error. Do you believe or have you made a similar serious error recently. You know, since you and the Presidents are so eerily similar?

Paul M. Sark said...

I'll have to think about that. As you know, George W., when asked by that liberal reporter, couldn't think of any mistakes he's made.

And at the moment, I can't think of any errors I've made. Maybe they'll come to me. Thanks for submitting your question in writing so I can mull it over though.

You're a lot more considerate than those question askers in the White House who just ask away and expect you to have a ready answer!

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry Paul.

Brownie, naturally, is devastated. He had a very loose BM on his morning walk and is refusing his kibble.

Do you have any advice?

panopticonman said...
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Anonymous said...

My worst fears for Brownie have been confirmed.

I suggest that Brownie do what I would do, what our president would do.

Have a good stiff drink of bourbon and some barbecue.

Trust me on this, just like you trust our president, George W. Bush.

Cup said...

I'm trying hard to trust the president, as I do you ... but today's Snow decision leaves me thinking of him as the big-oil bee-atch. My condolences, Mr. Sark.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Paul - Gee, I'm just stymied! What could Cheney's Tool have been thinking of?