Saturday, April 15, 2006

George "The Joker" Bush, Rumsfeld and Turkeys

Remember how Bush served turkeys to the troops in Iraq a couple of years ago?

According to some retired generals he also served up a turkey in the form of Donald Rumsfeld.

You might rememmber too that the turkey George W. served up was a fake turkey that would look good on TV, which is also sort of what he did with Donald Rumsfeld when he appointed him Secretary of Defense. At least according to the generals. And now George W. is sticking up for his turkey, Rumsfeld.

That's one of the things that make Me & George W. so similar -- his manly sense of humor. He's not above a good old-fashioned practical joke! Not like those liberal intellectuals. They wouldn't have the guts!

As a person whose life is amazingly similar to George W.'s, I've been known to play pranks on people, too. Like the time I got a bunch of brochures from the Marine recruiter in Times Square and left them on the kitchen table.

My wife asked "What are these?"

"Honey, I've decided we must fight the War on Terror against terrorists everywhere," I said, "Especially in Iraq!"

Well, you should have seen the look on her face.

Boy did I laugh!

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1 comment:

lydia said...

HAHAHAHAHAha Yes it's been a long, long joke hasn't it? One long 5 year, hysterical f-ing joke alright.